
The Suttie Art Space

Foresterhill Hospital, Aberdeen

‘The Suttie Art Space’ is the first purpose built art gallery in an acute hospital in the UK. It has been open for a short period but already has become a huge asset to the Foresterhill site, providing a peaceful refuge for patients, staff and visitors alike.

GHAT has developed a symbiotic relationship with NHSG to ensure that high-quality arts and design are integral to the development of hospital spaces. The design and day-to-day pace of the hospital creates an environment in which The Suttie Arts Space will function to integrate high quality arts practice within this specific context.

Local businesses have supported the project by sponsorship and direct funding.

As well as changing exhibitions by various artists, the space is now the home for the world’s first full-body MRI scanner. Developed at the University of Aberdeen through the 1970s by a team of visionary medical physicists led by Professor John Mallard, the historic machine was the culmination of years of pioneering research. The Design brief required a multi-use exhibition/event/installation/activity space – including blackout for projected works. Walls were constructed to take repeated picture hanging and re-painting.

Environmentally, low energy lighting was adopted to show fragile materials, and temperature and relative humidity are controlled to national standards.


NHS Grampian Arts Trust

Design and Construction Team

Mackie Ramsay Taylor
Structural Engineer:
Services Engineer: